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File List  |  1993-08-25  |  108KB  |  1,469 lines

  1. Filename       Size      Date    Description of File Contents
  2. ============ ========  ========  ============================================
  3. MACETT10.EXE    34746  10-26-92  MAC-ETTE v1.0: DOS util that reads MacIntosh
  4.                                | 1.4 meg diskettes on a PC equipped with a 3½"
  5.                                | inch high density drive; 10/03/92; Paul E.
  6.                                | Thomson/Acute Systems.
  7. MACSEE22.ARJ    53237  04-08-93  New version of MacSee, with corrected bugs
  8.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 3/24/93  Newest: 3/24/93.
  9. MAGIC115.EXE    57131  07-15-92  Increases Size of Screen
  10. MAKE1.ARJ        9690  08-23-93  MAKE1- Free DOS utility: text line joiner
  11.                                | v1.00 - 08/19/93. (c) 1993 by David Daniel
  12.                                | Anderson - Reign Ware. MAKE1 transforms a
  13.                                | PCBoard type file listing containing multi-
  14.                                | line descriptions into a single line per
  15.                                | entry list (each line can be up to 255
  16.                                | characters). W/ PASCAL source.
  17.                                | Files: 5  08-19-93...08-19-93  New: 4
  18.                                | Uploaded by: Daviddaniel Anderson
  19. MANAGPRG.EXE   101487  07-07-92  THE MANAGER v2.78 - attempts to do everything
  20.                                | COMMAND.COM does (for DOS) using a menu
  21.                                | interface.
  22. MANAGSRC.EXE    48053  07-07-92  THE MANAGER v2.78 Source Code.
  23. MAX-IDE.ARJ     38563  04-01-93  3.27.93 Maxtor IDE Drive Technical Specs.
  24. MAXDOS.EXE      19415  06-19-92  386 specific program for getting more DOS 
  25.                                | memory. 1987.
  26. MAXTEST!.EXE   115030  10-04-92  Testing program for Maxtor SCSI Drives.
  27. MAXUP602.EXE   457500  10-26-92  10-25-92  Upgrade 386MAX from v6.0 to v6.02.
  28.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 11/22/91  Newest: 7/2/92
  29. MBACK230.ARJ   210868  05-14-93  MegaBack version 2.3 from Patri-Soft
  30.                                | A GREAT backup program designed to make your 
  31.                                | backups quick and easy! This new version of 
  32.                                | MegaBack is 25% faster! MegaBack has point & 
  33.                                | shoot exclude, interruptable full backup, 
  34.                                | data compression, full/incremental backups, 
  35.                                | EASY restore and more! Great compliment for 
  36.                                | tape or notebook backup.  Very professional!
  37. MCE01A.EXE      37462  07-15-92  Monthly Command Executor v0.1a
  38. MCLK.ARJ        10868  08-23-93  MCLK- Free DOS utility: colourful moving
  39.                                | clock display v1.00 - 08/19/93. (c) 1993 by
  40.                                | David Daniel Anderson - Reign Ware. w/source
  41.                                | Files: 5  08-19-93...08-19-93  New: 4
  42.                                | Uploaded by: Daviddaniel Anderson
  43. MCP104.EXE      38361  09-30-92  Master Copy 1.04 -- Better than XCOPY!
  44.                                | Allows moving as well as copying; can
  45.                                | overwrite destination files never, always,
  46.                                | only if older, or only if different; can
  47.                                | override source and destination attributes;
  48.                                | handles full floppies better than XCOPY.
  49.                                | Share ware registration: $15.00.
  50.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 9/22/92  Newest: 9/22/92
  51. MCPDIAG!.EXE   437353  11-09-92  Math Co-Processor diagnostic's program from
  52.                                | Intel.
  53.                                | Files: 8  Oldest: 7/22/91  Newest: 11/7/92
  54. MCROPINS.EXE    22070  10-04-92  Micropolis instructions on configuring and
  55.                                | installing their ESDI and SCSI drives.
  56.                                | Includes jumper settings and bios drive types
  57.                                | which should be used. 07-18-1992.
  58. MDIAG.ARJ       68583  04-02-93  INTEL's Math Coprocessor Tester. From their
  59.                                | BBS. 2/17/93.
  60. MEGCPY10.ARJ    17952  05-15-93  MEGA-COPY v1.0   -=RyanWare=-
  61.                                | Graphical, multi-tasking compliant,
  62.                                | replacement for DOS' copy command.
  63.                                | Accepts the @<filename> directive, thus may
  64.                                | be used as an "External batch protocol" on
  65.                                | local nodes of BBS systems. Progress status
  66.                                | bars, multi-disk copies, etc...
  67.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 4/26/93  Newest: 4/26/93
  68. MEMKT202.ARJ   134961  01-04-93  ------Memory Management Kit (tm) v2.02
  69.                                | Does everything MS-DOS lacks - versatile,
  70.                                | well maintained program. Shareware.
  71. MEMSZ130.EXE    63733  07-14-92  SYSTEM RESOURCES MONITOR v1.30. This handy
  72.                                | little program displays the system's free
  73.                                | memory and disk space, and monitors the swap
  74.                                | file's size. It also can monitor CPU
  75.                                | loading. Source included.
  76.                                | Files: 14  Oldest: 5/17/91  Newest: 7/7/92.
  77. MH-ESDI.ARJ     24980  03-21-93  ESDI Identify v1.50: Returns info on all
  78.                                | ESDI hard drives attached to your (286+)
  79.                                | system.  Shows head, cylinder, sector
  80.                                | counts, and other misc info.  Drive only
  81.                                | needs to be hooked-up, does not need to
  82.                                | be prepaired.
  83.                                | (Date 12/07/92) Req: 286+CPU.
  84.                                | Freeware from Micro House International. -AV
  85. MICEKY10.EXE    36933  08-06-92  MICEKY v1.00: remembers and recalls mouse
  86.                                | cursor location and sensitivity to move in
  87.                                | horizontal and vertical directions; 07/07/92.
  88. MKEY12.ARJ      27041  06-28-93  Tiny TSR which converts mouse events
  89.                                | (movement and clicks) into keystrokes which
  90.                                | almost any program will accept.  Can be
  91.                                | re-configured and un-loaded.
  92.                                | Files: 12  12-13-91...05-25-93  New: 9
  93. MKPTH.EXE       22013  06-03-92  Forms complete subdirectory path from user's
  94.                                | specification. Makes directories as needed to
  95.                                | complete the branch specified, up to 30
  96.                                | levels below the root. Errorlevel is set for
  97.                                | various invalid conditions. 
  98. MLTIBOOT.ARJ     1352  07-08-93  Examples of DOS 6.0 Multiboot
  99. MMIR100.ARJ     36226  07-31-93  Dynamic Designs Magic Mirror Screen Saver
  100.                                | v1.00. - Magic Mirror (Magic) is a variation
  101.                                | of the classic bouncing lines program.  It as
  102.                                | based on a program by Ken Maupin called
  103.                                | Manic. Magic allows 1, 2, or 4 bouncing lines
  104.                                | to be on the screen at once.  Magic also
  105.                                | contains many options that limit where the
  106.                                | lines can go, how many colors can be used,
  107.                                | and how to display the lines.
  108. MONMODE.EXE     58387  07-13-92  Check your monitors' display modes.
  109. MORTON10.ARJ    59288  11-28-92  The Morton Utilities - the Swiss Army Knife
  110.                                | of Shareware Utilities - more than 40 of 'em
  111.                                | accessible from a single popup menu - disk,
  112.                                | file, video, keyboard, comunications utils.
  113. MOUSEKB!.EXE    20249  09-05-92  Move cursor with mouse in any program.  Even
  114.                                | non mouse supporting.
  115.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 8/28/92  Newest: 8/29/92
  116. MOVE120.ARJ     13278  08-03-93  MOVE v1.20 - EXCELLENT File Utility to Move
  117.                                | or Redirect files from one directory to
  118.                                | another. MOVE is Very FAST. And the command
  119.                                | line syntax is easy to use. This program is
  120.                                | great for those wanting an efficient DOS
  121.                                | enhancement tool; 07-28-93 Andrew Hardej.
  122.                                | Last revision date in archive: 07-28-1993.
  123. MOVE154X.EXE    28266  06-30-92  A fast smart file mover with quiet batch mode
  124.                                | Works with MSDOS 2-5 and DRDOS 5-6 not tested
  125.                                | on other DOS versions but works from WINDOWS
  126.                                | 3.0-3.1 Dos Window also and locally on
  127.                                | networks, said to work on entire network but
  128.                                | has not been verified. 06/16/92. 
  129. MOVE_11.EXE     24293  07-30-92  A program which allows you to move files
  130.                                | instread of having to copy and delete them,
  131.                                | it is very flexible version 1.1. 
  132. MSDELV1A.ARJ    19505  12-16-92  Delete-with-Verify utility with mouse or
  133.                                | keyboard response. For MicroSoft compatible
  134.                                | mouse drivers.
  135. MSDOS6.TEC      19376  04-06-93  Technical notes from Quarterdeck on using
  136.                                | QEMM 6.0 with MS Dos 6.
  137. MSDOS_6.ARJ      3094  02-07-93  MS-DOS 6 preview info of features from PC
  138.                                | Mag. 
  139. MSDRBT.EXE      28232  10-23-92  Utility allows user to select either MSDOS
  140.                                | 5.0 or DRDOS 6.0 when booting.
  141. MSPD1060.ARJ   796712  07-31-93  Machspeed vga 1060 windows accelerator utils
  142. MUD25.ARJ       27502  01-07-93  MUD v2.5 Mac/Unix DOS Translator/Reformatter
  143.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 12/13/92  Newest: 12/13/92
  144. MULT110.EXE     20465  08-28-92  MULTEST (MultiTasker Tester) v1.10: tests for
  145.                                | certain multitaskers, and tells you what it
  146.                                | finds; supports MS-Windows, DESQview,
  147.                                | DoubleDOS, OS/2 1.3/2.0, DOS 5.0 Task
  148.                                | Switcher/ compatibles, TaskView, TopView,
  149.                                | OmniView, and compatibles; 08/12/92.
  150. MULTVOL1.EXE    30744  06-16-92  Backup files larger than media. Auto splits
  151.                                | across floppy disks..
  152. NDELV00.EXE     27850  06-18-92  Delete all files in current dir except what
  153.                                | you enter in a list. 
  154. NDIAGU.ARJ     486332  07-05-93  Norton Diagnostics (NDIAGS) Update to support
  155.                                | Stacker 3.1 and correct problems that occur
  156.                                | on certain hardware configurations.
  157.                                | Files: 5  08-12-92...07-02-93  New: 4
  158. NEWTIPS.EXE     43750  11-08-92  DR DOS HELP.
  159. NFRMT11.EXE     48894  08-13-92  NFormat V1.1. A Dynamic Floppy Disk
  160.                                | Formatter. Allows you to Format 1.7M on a
  161.                                | 1.44M disk and 1.5M on a 1.2M disk. Also Has
  162.                                | superior error detection, and a user friendly
  163.                                | menu system. Mouse support.
  164. NIFTIE11.ARJ    60025  08-25-93  Four usefull dos utilities: doscolour - for
  165.                                | setting foreground, background, and border
  166.                                | colours, ffinder - flexable file finder, mdel
  167.                                | - a flexable file deleter, sdel - cycles
  168.                                | through all files in a directory and allows
  169.                                | selective deletion.
  170. NJTIDY31.ARJ    13455  12-02-92  NJTIDY v3.10: tidies your hard drive by
  171.                                | removing *.BAK files as well as any other
  172.                                | .ext group(s) you specify. Deletes 0byte
  173.                                | files also; w/C source.
  174. NNANS992.EXE    79862  09-12-92  NNANSI.COM, device driver replacement for
  175.                                | ANSI.SYS on EGA/VGA systems, compatible with
  176.                                | DOS5.  Dramatically speeds up text screen
  177.                                | writes plus allows control over keyboard
  178.                                | commands not found in ANSI.SYS.
  179.                                | Files: 20  Oldest: 8/30/90  Newest: 9/7/92
  180. NOSH15.ARJ      24279  07-27-93  Version 1.5 of NoShell.COM - allows you to
  181.                                | require a password for any attempt to shell
  182.                                | to DOS.  Use as part of comprehensive system
  183.                                | security / menuing package.  Includes docs.
  184.                                | Public Domain software offered by the author.
  185.                                | Uploaded by: Stephen Dunn
  186. NOSOUND.EXE     19488  05-22-92  A program to make your speaker shut up!
  187. NOSTOP11.EXE    22521  10-02-92  Disable/enable Control-C, Control-Break &
  188.                                | Control-Alt-Del. TSR and device driver
  189.                                | versions included. V1.1.
  190. NR3-TECH.ARJ    16995  06-29-93  ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
  191.                                | ║ ░░  LATEST TECHNICAL NOTES ON USING   ░░  ║
  192.                                | ║ ░░   HELIX SOFTWARE'S NETROOM 3(tm)   ░░  ║
  193.                                | ║    These technical notes explain the      ║
  194.                                | ║    advantages of the Netroom 3 memory     ║
  195.                                | ║ manager and address memory issues such as ║
  196.                                | ║  instancing UMB's in Windows, EMS page    ║
  197.                                | ║ frames and the importance of Upper Memory ║
  198.                                | ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝
  199. NU7STK.ARJ    1436953  07-05-93  Norton Utilities ver 7.0 update to support
  200.                                | Stacker version 3.1.
  201.                                | Files: 5  08-12-92...07-02-93  New: 4
  202. OCOP.ARJ        18150  01-27-93  OCOP is a diskette copy program that copies,
  203.                                | optimises, verifies and prompts you when
  204.                                | another diskette is needed; includes full C
  205.                                | source; 01/11/93; Garry J. Vass. 
  206. ONCE10.EXE      22082  11-25-92  Batch file utility to restrict operations to
  207.                                | once a day, or once a specific day of the wee
  208.                                | Returns errorlevel rather than spawning new
  209.                                | process to increase flexibilty. Batch file
  210.                                | template included. 
  211. ONEADAY1.EXE   128335  10-15-92  Runs programs at selected times of day / week
  212. OZ110.EXE       99071  05-24-92  An Ounce of Prevention v1.10 - now adds    
  213.                                | support for Stacker drives - generational  
  214.                                | file system and data-protection utility for
  215.                                | DOS.
  216. PAR212.EXE      94533  11-02-92  PARSE-O-MATIC  lets  you  move  data  between
  217.                                | programs that normally  don't understand each
  218.                                | each other's data.   It converts reports from
  219.                                | one program into a format useful to the other
  220.                                | one.  Don't re-key all that data!  Print your
  221.                                | report to  a file,  then  CONVERT  it  to the
  222.                                | input format  you  want!   UNLOCK  your  data
  223.                                | today -- with Parse-O-Matic!  Shareware.
  224. PASBR22.EXE    132977  05-21-92  Point Shoot Backup/Restore v2.2 - hard disk
  225.                                | backup and restoration program. Its backs up 
  226.                                | up to 1 megabyte per minute. It also contains
  227.                                | automatic disk formatting, extensive error
  228.                                | checking, multiple backup configurations,
  229.                                | restoration to different drives/directories. 
  230.                                | also has optional file compression. Applied
  231.                                | Micro Systems Technology.
  232. PATCH10A.EXE   133551  07-23-92  BD/PATCH UTILITY v1.0A: versatile util for
  233.                                | viewing/editing files & other file-like
  234.                                | objects such as disk drives, dirs and memory;
  235.                                | any standard video display will work but some
  236.                                | features require an EGA or higher display;
  237.                                | 03/19/92; Breakthrough Designs. 
  238. PATH20.EXE      56679  05-22-92  ---------->>>  PathTool v2.0  <<<----------
  239.                                | PathTool is a powerful utility which easily
  240.                                | lets users modify the PATH by using straight
  241.                                | forward commands.  PathTool is capable of
  242.                                | generating PATH's longer than 121 bytes. It
  243.                                | is more powerful than any existing PATH
  244.                                | modification utilities!  Tested with many
  245.                                | versions of DOS and LANs.
  246. PATH@113.ARJ    23667  08-02-93  PATH-MAN v1.13 r04/30/93 Micrometric <ASP>:
  247.                                | Utility searches the directory path elements
  248.                                | of the PATH statement for a given file;
  249.                                | allows DOS wildcard characters; ERRORLEVEL
  250.                                | variable set, based on search result, to
  251.                                | allow more user friendly batch files;
  252.                                | optionally display the path element found.
  253. PATHM34.ARJ     97902  04-20-93  ╓─██▓▓▒▒░░  Path Master 3.4  ░░▒▒▓▓██──╖
  254.                                | ║     The Ultimate path utility!       ║
  255.                                | ║    Choose your path from a menu,     ║
  256.                                | ║ configure 20 paths, add a directory, ║
  257.                                | ║   delete one, and use your MOUSE.    ║
  258.                                | ║ Forget all that typing or stretching ║
  259.                                | ║  your environment for a long path.   ║
  260.                                | ╙──────────────────────────────────────╜
  261. PATQUIN1.EXE   677154  08-16-92  Patriquin's Utilities from Patri-Soft.
  262.                                | Library of improvements for many of DOS's
  263.                                | commands. Easy Dial v3.5 - Keyoff - PreBack
  264.                                | v1.3 - SplitF v1.1 - PAlert v2.1 - Pattr v1.5
  265.                                | - PCopy v9.0D - PDaily - PDel v4.2 - PPrint
  266.                                | v5.3 - PSearch v4.4E - PTouch v1.2 From the
  267.                                | beginning, Norm Patriquin has written some of
  268.                                | the finest utilities and this package has.
  269. PB22.ARJ        31081  11-30-92  Playback v2.2: TSR captures keystrokes &
  270.                                | allows playback via hot-key trigger.
  271.                                | Keystrokes can be passed to an application.
  272.                                | Keystrokes may also be saved in a .COM file
  273.                                | which becomes like a compiled .BAT file
  274.                                | w/the advantage that it, too, can pass
  275.                                | keystrokes to an application. A "keyfile"
  276.                                | can also be "launched" at a specified time.
  277.                                | Files: 7  Oldest: 10/25/90  Newest: 11/16/92
  278. PCDOC40.EXE     63659  05-27-92  PC Doctor v4.0 - checks computer's memory and
  279.                                | a few other things as well.
  280. PCDOS61.ARJ     14772  07-03-93  Text File regarding the soon-to-be available
  281.                                | PC-DOS 6.1 from IBM.
  282.                                | Files: 1  06-29-93  New: 1
  283. PCINFO51.EXE    45643  11-16-92  Display DOS and BIOS Information for PC
  284.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 11/8/92  Newest: 11/14/92
  285. PCKTD166.EXE   120877  07-03-92  PocketD v1.66: tool that combines a
  286.                                | convenient substitute for a DOS programming
  287.                                | language w/a colour dir listing pgm; with
  288.                                | file/string/ archive search, copy,
  289.                                | template(s), file view, sorting, user menus,
  290.                                | barchart summary, recursed disk/environment
  291.                                | and much more; online help; 05/24/92.
  292. PCM-CO.EXE      21319  06-03-92  Copies -moves or deletes files in a group.
  293. PCMOUS12.ARJ     8716  08-24-93  PC-Mouse. Paste what you have Cut with your
  294.                                | Mouse in the text mode of Dos or OS/2 VDM.
  295. PCOPY92B.EXE   117174  07-01-92  PCOPY version 9.2B from Norm Patriquin PCOPY
  296.                                | is a super advanced alternative to the DOS
  297.                                | COPY command.  PCOPY will copy only new
  298.                                | files, files with a certain date, and much
  299.                                | more!  The only way that you will believe it
  300.                                | is to see it!
  301.                                | Files: 9  Oldest: 6/26/92  Newest: 6/26/92.
  302. PCPL12.EXE      63694  11-25-92  PC Padlock is a DOS floppy disk locker.  Once
  303.                                | disks have been locked, their contents cannot
  304.                                | be viewed, edited, deleted, or even listed.
  305.                                | PC Padlock is useful for securing data disks
  306.                                | for word processors, spreadsheets, desktop
  307.                                | publishers, and financial applications.
  308.                                | Any confidential information is safe from
  309.                                | prying eyes with PC Padlock.
  310.                                | Absolutely no "back doors" exist on this
  311.                                | tamperproof disk locking system.
  312. PCS31.EXE       63077  07-03-92  PCStats v3.1: displays your computer's
  313.                                | statistics; includes redirection, support for
  314.                                | 80486 processors.
  315. PCSYS50.EXE     88650  09-18-92  PCSYS v5.0: reports system configuration of
  316.                                | CPU type, computer type, graphics card, EMS/
  317.                                | Extended memory if available, printer ports,.
  318. PCT82892.EXE   142638  09-08-92  7.30.92 Upgrades from PCTools BBS for
  319.                                | registered users.
  320. PCTEST12.EXE   107742  06-18-92  PC TEST V1.2- diagnostic program. 
  321. PCW_OCT1.ARJ   684035  10-02-92  DOS/WINDOWS - VARIOUS APPS & UTILS - GOOD
  322.                                | SELECTION - VIRUS CHECKED
  323. PD0646.ARJ      23912  02-28-93  DOS 5.0 updated CHKDSK.EXE and UNDELETE.EXE
  324. PD100.EXE       39953  07-06-92  PARSE DATE V1.00 Freeware released 01/08/92
  325.                                | Returns a variety of information from the
  326.                                | current date through DOS ErrorLevels (Day,
  327.                                | Month, Weekday, and Year). 
  328. PDQ120.EXE      99558  08-06-92  Deletes all unnecessary files with
  329.                                | user-defined file extensions. Freeware.
  330. PEEPOK12.EXE    25396  07-03-92  Peek/poke utility with binary and hex
  331.                                | display. 10.91.
  333.                                | UTILITY. PROTECTS COMPUTER FROM UNAUTHORIZED
  334.                                | ACCESS WHILE YOU ARE AWAY, DISPLAYS TIME,
  335.                                | LIVENS WORKPLACE WITH SCANNED IMAGES/ART,
  336.                                | COLOURFUL ANIMATIONS, LEAVES MESSAGES, ETC.
  337.                                | CUSTOMIZABLE. PASSWORD PROTECTION. SUPPORTS
  338.                                | 2, 16 & 256 COLOUR IMAGES UP TO 1024X768 RES.
  339.                                | REQUIRES: IBM PC/XT+; DOS 3.1+; CGA, HERC.
  340.                                | MONO, EGA, VGA OR SVGA GRAPHICS; HARD DISK;
  341.                                | MS/LOGITECH COMPATIBLE MOUSE; 640K+ RAM.
  342. PIGAS102.ARJ   197503  08-24-93  PiGAS SECURITY Version 1.02 <ASP> \ Protect
  343.                                | the information in your PC against
  344.                                | unauthorized access. The protected data
  345.                                | becomes totally unavailable even when using a
  346.                                | powerful disk utility or booting from a
  347.                                | diskette. Unlimited number of users. Full
  348.                                | report about authorized/unauthorized activity
  349.                                | in the system. Fast and simple hide/open
  350.                                | operation. No need for the program to be
  351.                                | resident.  From PIGAS Inc. <ASP> $25.
  352. PMD20E.ARJ     132202  05-11-93  PM Diskcopy 2.0E for OS/2 2.0 (english
  353.                                | version). A shareware program to copy and
  354.                                | compare all kind of disks (5,25 - 3,5
  355.                                | 360K-2880K). You can create image-files,
  356.                                | format and quick-format and check disks.
  357.                                | Includes a really sharp install program.
  358.                                | Files dated 03-27-93.  
  359. PM_MEM.EXE      31190  07-21-92  PM Physical Memory usage monitor. Displays as
  360.                                | a bar chart and a percentage the amount of
  361.                                | physical memory used by resident pages.
  362.                                | Updated every 5 seconds.
  363.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 6/4/92  Newest: 6/4/92.
  364. POCK30.ARJ     156413  07-03-93  POCKETD PLUS v3.0 <ASP> - 29k DOS Army Knife.
  365.                                | V1.66 awarded "BEST NEW UTILITY 1992" by PsL.
  366.                                | Excellent color directory list, file COPY and
  367.                                | immensely powerful file manager. Over 220 (!)
  368.                                | options and sub-options, making it a flexible
  369.                                | & formidable utility factory! **NEW!** 4DOS &
  370.                                | OS/2 supp, Scan Self-extract Archives, Virus
  371.                                | Protected, Dir/Archive Browser, Menu Builder,
  372.                                | More Color, NEW! the 37k MENUD front-end with
  373.                                | 60 menus. See POCKRV16.ZIP for great reviews.
  374. POCKRV16.ARJ    16781  07-03-93  POCKRV <ASP> - Reviews of PocketD
  375.                                | v1.66 awarded "BEST NEW UTILITY 1992" by PsL.
  376.                                | This file contains 6 independent reviews
  377.                                | of PocketD and user endorsements. PocketD
  378.                                | is an excellent color directory lister,
  379.                                | copy program and immensely powerful 220+
  380.                                | option file manager, available as POCK30.ZIP.
  381. POLY27S!.EXE    71955  10-13-92  POLYCOPY<tm> is the ultimate replacement for 
  382.                                | DISKCOPY.  It is an easy to use program for 
  383.                                | making single-pass copies of diskettes, using
  384.                                | available RAM, XMS memory and/or HARD DISK to
  385.                                | store a complete "disk image."
  386.                                | This version supports 2file-compatible ".FLP"
  387.                                | and DiskDUP image files which may be 
  388.                                | compressed for archival purposes, or 
  389.                                | transmitted via modem for remote restoration.
  390.                                | Also, new is TrashGuard<tm> RAM Integrity
  391.                                | Protection.  [Shareware $24.95+P&H]
  392. POLY30S.ARJ     65973  08-16-93  POLYCOPY<tm> Version 3.00 - The Ultimate
  393.                                | Replacement for DISKCOPY.  An easy to use
  394.                                | program for making single-pass copies of
  395.                                | diskettes, using available RAM, XMS memory
  396.                                | and/or HARD DISK to store a complete "disk
  397.                                | image."  Also supports 2FILE compatible
  398.                                | ".FLP" and DiskDUP image files which may be
  399.                                | compressed for archival purposes, or
  400.                                | transmitted via modem for remote restoration.
  401.                                | New, TrashGuard<tm> RAM Integrity Protection.
  402.                                | QEMM compatible! [Shareware $24.95+P&H]
  404. POM232.ARJ     117670  06-09-93  Parse-O-Matic Robo-Editor. Move Data Between 
  405.                                | Programs That Normally  Don't Understand Each
  406.                                | Each  Other's  Data.   Convert  Reports  From
  407.                                | One Program Into a Format Useful to the Other
  408.                                | One.  Edit Text Files By Script. Don't Retype
  409.                                | All Your Data:  Print Your Report to  a File,
  410.                                | Then Use  P-O-M  to  Convert it  to the Input
  411.                                | Format You Require!  Shareware From Pinnacle.
  412.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-08-93)
  413. POPFNT.EXE      36742  05-22-92  PopUp Menu for pasting special characters.
  414. POWERKIT.EXE    31038  07-23-92  POWER KIT FOR DOS.
  415. PRECIS10.ARJ    10266  01-13-93  PRECIS v1.0: displays the first 65 characters
  416.                                | of the files indicated on its command line;
  417.                                | w/Turbo C source; 12/18/92; Charles Lazo.
  418. PRESS.EXE       30530  06-06-92  Press v1.00: replacement for the DOS PAUSE
  419.                                | command; allows you to add your own messages
  420.                                | controlling colours, etc.
  421. PRFP102.ARJ     13507  07-16-93  Pesudo-Random File Picker v. 1.02 - Select
  422.                                | from up to 700 files for random selection.
  423.                                | Great for sysops who want to pick random
  424.                                | screens, page tunes, etc. Also nice for
  425.                                | anyone who needs random files such as BMPs,
  426.                                | screen savers, etc. 
  427.                                | Files: 7  07-12-93...07-12-93  New: 4
  428. PRO130S.ARJ     14991  08-07-93  ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
  429.                                | ║PROPROMPT ver 1.30s.  Creates custom COLOUR║
  430.                                | ║prompts for MS-DOS.  Allows many different ║
  431.                                | ║prompt items, including time, date, dir,   ║
  432.                                | ║graphics, dos ver and much more! New vers  ║
  433.                                | ║allows save/edit/load.                     ║
  434.                                | ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝
  435. PROLOG10.EXE    67205  09-10-92  PRO LOG v1.0: util for logging files, viewing
  436.                                | or printing everything about the directory,
  437.                                | file, time, date made, attributes; logs
  438.                                | complete directories or single; outputs to
  439.                                | printer, screen, or saves to a log file.
  440. PRSRV101.EXE    32620  11-12-92  File Preserver 1.01 - Edit, change your files
  441.                                | while preserving the original date/time stamp
  442.                                | This can be handy.
  443. PTM227.ARJ     229503  11-27-92  DOS Phantom V2.6 Task Automator.  Record any
  444.                                | task you perform at the keyboard and play it
  445.                                | back at a scheduled time or by hot key.
  446.                                | Unlimited recording length!  Edit recordings
  447.                                | using powerful script language. Add pop-up
  448.                                | displays and menus.  Useful for making demos,
  449.                                | software testing, and integrating multiple
  450.                                | applications.  Includes screen and print
  451.                                | capture.  Demo recording and manual included.
  452.                                | Files: 13  Oldest: 3/28/92  Newest: 11/23/92
  453. PTXT2COM.ARJ    18834  06-09-93  TEXT TO .COM  By RO-SOFT v 5.0 - <ASP>
  454.                                | Auto display of colour and mono text files.  
  455.                                | Create self displaying packed text routines 
  456.                                | automatically.  Displays text at selected 
  457.                                | rate, or continueous display of a text file, 
  458.                                | using colour or mono text.
  459. PU113.EXE       96925  07-25-92  POPUP v1.13: can turn any normal DOS program
  460.                                | into a TSR, in only 6K of conventional memory
  461.                                | -- swaps to EMS, XMS, and disk; 07/11/92; RC
  462.                                | Software. 
  463. PWRSCSI!.EXE   193576  06-22-93  From Future Domain - PowerSCSI! w/trouble
  464.                                | shooting. v1.00
  465. Q38733.ARJ     227465  03-03-93  Q387 Version 3.3 Math Accelerator and
  466.                                | Coprocessor Emulator.  Up to 400% faster
  467.                                | graphics, CAD, analysis, etc.  Run all
  468.                                | AutoCADs without a coprocessor!  Runs with
  469.                                | Windows.  This is a demo which runs for 20
  470.                                | minutes at a time.  Requires a 386SX or
  471.                                | higher, at least 1.5 Mb RAM, and an Expanded
  472.                                | Memory Manager.
  473.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 10/18/92  Newest: 12/9/92
  474. QBNCH121.ARJ   154208  11-27-92  QBench v1.21 DOS Hard Disk Benchmark to
  475.                                | Measure Hard Disk Access Time
  476.                                | Files: 5  Oldest: 10/30/92  Newest: 10/30/92
  477. QCOP40.EXE      92027  10-06-92  QCOPY v4.0. Powerful and fast disk copy,
  478.                                | duplication and formatting utility.   Reads
  479.                                | only that portion of  data contained on the
  480.                                | source disk.  Makes one or multiple copies. 
  481.                                | Formats,  writes  and  defragments files to 
  482.                                | target independent  of  source.  Optionally
  483.                                | writes image file to  hard  drive.  Can run
  484.                                | from DOS command line.  Mouse support.
  485. QDEL21.ARJ      46650  01-12-93  Quick Delete, v2.1, allows tagging of a
  486.                                | window of files given a filespec as an
  487.                                | argument. Wildcards are allowed as well as
  488.                                | drive and pathnames.
  489. QDIR122.ARJ    123895  08-11-93  QuickDir V1.22 <ASP> - A Great DOS Manager.
  490.                                | Powerful and Easy DOS, Archive, Dup utils.
  491.                                | QuickDir is a MUST HAVE for maintaining your
  492.                                | hard drive and LAN. Over 50 DOS Functions.
  493.                                | Graft/Copy/Elim Dirs. HD tree is displayed
  494.                                | instantly. Only 98K, Single exe, and very
  495.                                | FAST and EASY! NEW: Configurable Dir Tree,
  496.                                | Version Dup Util, Verify After Copy,
  497.                                | Print Option, Mouse Support, More.
  498.                                | Reg $29. Jim Olsen SUPERWARE <ASP> <ASAD>.
  499.                                | Files: 14  03-21-93...08-04-93  New: 10
  500. QDOS.EXE        99195  07-30-92  QDOS is a DOS utility allows you to
  501.                                | look at your root directories without typing
  502.                                | a single word.
  503. QEMM-FIX.EXE   110456  10-07-92  Bug fixes for QEMM 
  504. QEMM600.EXE     15559  10-07-92  Manual for QEMM v6.02.
  505. QEMM701U.ARJ   113026  06-25-93  Update QEMM 7.0 to 7.01.  Patches 7.0 to fix
  506.                                | several bugs that can cause lockups. If you
  507.                                | have QEMM 7.0 dated 6-8-93, this is strongly
  508.                                | recommended.
  509.                                | Files: 4  01-30-92...06-22-93  New: 3
  510. QEMM7REF.ARJ   102461  07-08-93  Technical notes for the new qemm 7.0!
  511. QEMMTEC.ARJ     27496  04-07-93  QEMM tec notes.
  512. QEMM_TEC.ARJ    24636  12-11-92  Tech Tips From Qemm Support.
  513. QHINTS.ARJ      11263  06-30-93  QEMM 7 hints.
  514. QNV.ARJ         23616  08-17-93  Non-memory resident ASCII text file viewer.
  515.                                | Mouse aware. Search up to one sentence. Free
  516.                                | Files: 3  08-01-93...08-11-93  New: 3
  517.                                | Uploaded by: Mike Haney
  518. QRULER.EXE      27193  10-29-92  TSR That Shows The X And Y Coordinates of The
  519.                                | Cursor.
  520. QSWAP.EXE       54426  05-27-92  QwikSwap is a TSR Task Manager. It uses EMS,
  521.                                | XMS, Hard Disk or Memory. Handles up to 9
  522.                                | tasks, cut and paste between applications. It
  523.                                | is to set up and configure. Can be loaded
  524.                                | into high memory. Leading Edge Systems.
  525. RAIDMK11.ARJ   119816  06-17-93  Raidmark 1.1 - a Professional Disk 
  526.                                | Benchmarking Program By Dynatek Automation
  527.                                | Systems Inc.; Measures Cache Size, System
  528.                                | Overhead, and Application-Level Performance.
  529.                                | Includes MS-DOS and Novell Versions.
  530.                                | (Newest File Date: 11-11-92)
  531. RAMLT10.ARJ     15523  05-12-93  RAMdisk activity on-screen indicator;tiny TSR
  532.                                | Requires only 848 bytes when resident and
  533.                                | monitoring one drive; 48 bytes add'l for ea.
  534.                                | add'l drive monitored.  4/93.
  535.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 4/11/93  Newest: 4/11/93
  536. RAMMAN25.EXE    48102  09-15-92  Ram-resident program to turn any text file
  537.                                | into a pop-up, quick reference guide. 
  538. RBOOTCPP.EXE    34330  10-11-92  Performs a warm boot of computer w/password
  539.                                | checking; includes Borland C++ 3.1 source so
  540.                                | that your password can be encoded into the
  541.                                | pgm and recompiled; 07/10/92; Joe L. Chavez.
  542. RDF!.EXE        39247  11-16-92  View old files before deletion.
  543. READ!.EXE       25424  11-11-92  READ - From SoftComm Systems - Just a simple
  544.                                | little replacement for TYPE and MORE. It has
  545.                                | the speed of TYPE with the pause features of
  546.                                | MORE. Allows for piping etc. Written in Turbo
  547.                                | C++ By Mark Linehan. Now you don't have to
  548.                                | use that annoying < or the | parameter to
  549.                                | read a text file one page at a time.
  550. READ30.ARJ     165757  05-11-93  READ IT v3.0: Text viewer for speech sys.
  551.                                | Text file viewer designed for use by both
  552.                                | sighted and visually impaired persons.
  553.                                | Files: 11  Oldest: 12/13/92  Newest: 4/26/93
  554. READONL1.EXE    31506  07-04-92  <─ READONLY v1.0 ----------------- 6-30-92─>
  555.                                | ReadOnly is a small utility that sets and
  556.                                | removes a file's Read Only attribute.
  557.                                | FREEWARE!       Author David Casto
  558.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 4/8/92  Newest: 6/30/92.
  559. READY51.ARJ     14269  08-23-93  PAUSE replacement DOS utility. Sound/Timeout/
  560.                                | Clock/KeyList, etc.
  561.                                | Uploaded by: Haris Courouclis
  562. REAL_IMP.ARJ   492320  08-26-93  ╓───────────────────────────╖
  563.                                | ║│ Realtime V1.2 by Impact │║
  564.                                | ───═══════════════════════───
  565.                                | │║ This is a real one from ║│
  566.                                | │║  France with great gfx  ║│
  567.                                | │║ and nice code,  be sure ║│
  568.                                | │║ to grab it,  one of the ║│
  569.                                | │║    best on the PC !!    ║│
  570.                                | ─────────────────────────────
  571.                                | │ «⌐= A )<> spread 1993 =¬» │
  572.                                | ╘═══════════════════════════╛
  574.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 6/11/91  Newest: 1/17/92
  575. RECALLD.ARJ      4817  01-03-93  VMS-like DOS command line editor with recall.
  576. RED11.EXE       22213  06-08-92  Remove Empty Directories v1.1:
  577.                                | Hunts down/removes empty directories.  No
  578.                                | files are deleted.  Great for network admins!
  579. REDVIEW3.EXE    21512  09-30-92  TSR shows on screen info that has been
  580.                                | redirected to a file. W/ASM source. 8/24/92.
  581. REGEDIT.ARJ     28626  05-21-93  Register editor for Trident TVGA8900
  582.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 10/5/92  Newest: 10/5/92
  583. REL10B.ARJ       9751  04-22-93  "RELOCATE" files to another directory. (1.0b)
  584.                                | This program saves you time by eliminating
  585.                                | the "copy" + "del" sequence, and combining
  586.                                | them into one step.  Program lists files as
  587.                                | they are relocated.  If duplicate files are
  588.                                | found in the target directory, Relocate will
  589.                                | prompt you to overwrite.  (This means that
  590.                                | you won't accidentally write over important
  591.                                | data.)  Freeware.
  592. REPEAT22.ARJ    39154  12-04-92  Version 2.2 of REPEAT DOS enhancer.  Can be
  593.                                | used in batch files or from command line to
  594.                                | accomplish complex tasks.  Full macro and
  595.                                | comparison capabilities.  Shareware uploaded
  596.                                | by author.
  597.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 12/2/92  Newest: 12/2/92
  598. RESPONSE.ARJ    18725  08-23-93  Network response benchmark v1∙2∙ Last
  599.                                | revision date in archive: 08-09-1993∙
  600. REST100.ARJ     13330  04-16-93                Rest v1.00
  601.                                | Command-line tape restoration utility
  602.                                | for use with Colorado's Tape software.
  603.                                | Makes restoring multiple volumes from
  604.                                | a tape extremely simple.  Very small,
  605.                                | easy to use program.  Shareware, with
  606.                                | no features withheld.  [File 1/1]
  607. RFILE113.ARJ    67143  07-31-93  RFILE v1.13 <ASP> - Shows Relative FILE size
  608.                                | of all files in the selected directory in a
  609.                                | pie chart. Enter a directory name or
  610.                                | extension such as *.TXT on the command line.
  611.                                | Or edit the directory name as displayed on
  612.                                | the graphics screen. An aid to finding where
  613.                                | the disk space is being used up. Latest
  614.                                | version adds PageUp & Down, Home & End while
  615.                                | viewing list of files. Requires CGA, EGA or
  616.                                | VGA.
  617. RODENT02.EXE    17295  11-26-92  Text file describes simple patches for MS
  618.                                | MOUSE.SYS and MOUSE.COM to allow use on Ports
  619.                                | 1-4 with non-standard interrupts. Versions
  620.                                | 7.0/7.04/8.0 10/29/92.
  621. RPSRT101.EXE   106737  11-22-92  RPSORT v1.01:  enhanced DOS SORT utility;
  622.                                | handles large files and multiple sort keys;
  623.                                | sorts text files;  can delete null lines and
  624.                                | more;  11/18/92;  Bob/Alex Pirko
  625.                                | Files: 9  Oldest: 10/2/91  Newest: 11/18/92
  626. RSBSCOPE.ARJ   133014  08-20-93  Micro-Scope Version 5∙02 Full diagnostic
  627.                                | package∙ Tests cmos
  628.                                | memory,processors,hard/floppy discs Sector
  629.                                | editor, interrupt checker and much more∙
  630.                                | Makes Checkit look like chkdsk∙ Brought to
  631.                                | you by Ra Sheepish Beast∙ Downloaded 1 times∙
  632.                                | Last revision date in archive: 04-07-1993∙
  633. RTFHLP.EXE     146289  06-12-92  VGA Directory/File Backup/Maintenance DOS
  634.                                | Help. DOS Help functions include Backup,
  635.                                | Restore, Copy, Xcopy, Directory, DiskCopy,
  636.                                | Erase Files, Create File, File Resize and
  637.                                | Tree. You can work with whole directories,
  638.                                | individual files or files using DOS wild
  639.                                | cards. You can use both mouse and/or keyboard
  640.                                | to select functions, VGA only Shareware.
  641. RTRM54.ARJ      57605  06-04-93  Rtrim V5.4: Will "Trim" All of the Spacebars 
  642.                                | Nulls and Blank Spaces That May be
  643.                                | Invisibly Attached to the Right End of Each
  644.                                | Line of Txt.
  645.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-25-93)
  646. S3ENV10.EXE     64671  07-13-92  Edit, save, load your DOS environment 1.0
  647.                                | Files: 5  Oldest: 7/8/92  Newest: 7/12/92
  648. SAFPAK15.ARJ    57393  04-10-93  SAFEPACK v1.5 Disk Defragmenter Mar 93  ASP
  649.                                | Designed so that the data on the disk should
  650.                                | be immune to interruptions from any cause
  651.                                | during defragmentation. Files and directories
  652.                                | may be sorted into almost any order, and many
  653.                                | other optimizations are possible.  SAFEPACK
  654.                                | leaves all the free space as a single area so
  655.                                | a large Windows swap file may be created.
  656.                                | May be run in unattended mode. OS/2 supported
  657.                                | Shareware:- £9 or $16.
  658.                                | Files: 14  Oldest: 3/8/93  Newest: 3/9/93
  659. SAMEDAT1.EXE    19379  10-22-92  Copy date/time stamp from one file to
  660.                                | another, with ASM source.
  661.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 4/27/92  Newest: 10/18/92
  662. SBACK11.EXE     38345  07-07-92  SUPER BACkUP version 1.1, fast, easy,
  663.                                | reliable backup system for MS-DOS and
  664.                                | compatible systems.Backs up hard & floppy.
  665.                                | Files: 10  Oldest: 4/13/92  Newest: 4/13/92.
  666. SCOPY315.ARJ    56153  04-07-93  SCOPY v3.15 enhanced file copy routine
  667.                                | includes multiple disk copies.
  668.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 1/16/93  Newest: 1/17/93
  669. SCR-COLR.EXE    25515  09-26-92  Screen.Com and Colour.Com from PaceSoft Set
  670.                                | background and text screen colours.
  671. SCR112.EXE      34440  09-24-92  SCRNATTR 1.12  03/29/92  SCNATTR allows you
  672.                                | to set the foreground, background and border
  673.                                | colours of your monitor.  Shareware
  674.                                | registration forms and manual included. From
  675.                                | Foley Hi-Tech Systems
  676.                                | Files: 7  Oldest: 3/5/92  Newest: 9/10/92.
  677. SCREAM10.ARJ    19342  07-12-93      Screamer is a combination password
  678.                                | (actually, pass key) protection program,
  679.                                | screen saver, and joke program. When the
  680.                                | program is activated, it freezes the
  681.                                | computer until someone presses the correct
  682.                                | code key or key combination (such as 
  683.                                | Alt-F1). If anyone presses any key other
  684.                                | than the correct code key, the program
  685.                                | screams "Help! Don't touch me! Unauthorized
  686.                                | use of this computer. Help!" through the 
  687.                                | speaker.
  688.                                | Files: 4  05-11-91...07-07-93  New: 4
  689. SCRLIT16.ARJ    37852  03-30-93  SCROLLit v1.6 Scrollback buffer utility. Lets
  690.                                | you scroll back,in full colour, through lines
  691.                                | of text that have scrolled off the top of the
  692.                                | screen. Features searching, block-writing,
  693.                                | 43/50 line mode, and XMS/EMS support.
  694.                                | Compression is used to squeeze more than
  695.                                | twice the number of lines into the available
  696.                                | buffer space. Desqview aware. A 9k TSR.
  697. SCRSCE.EXE     364833  09-09-92  Desert Frog VGA Screen Saver.
  698. SCSI16X.ARJ     27928  06-29-93  Emerald SCSI tape backup diagnostic exerciser
  699.                                | direct from Emerald Systems. 
  700. SCSICTL.EXE     75566  10-04-92  SCSICNTL is a program that runs under MS-DOS
  701.                                | allowing you to reprogram your SCSI device to
  702.                                | meet the needs of your environment so as to
  703.                                | achieve the highest possible throughput for
  704.                                | the given operating environment you will be
  705.                                | working in. Adaptec AHA-1540/1540A/1542A/
  706.                                | 1540B/1542B/1640/1740 SCSI Adapter Board.
  707. SCSIFMT.EXE    108109  10-04-92  Low level SCSI format program [All
  708.                                | Controllers].
  709. SCSISU.ARJ       5155  05-22-93  SCSI setup routines
  710.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 5/6/93  Newest: 5/6/93
  711. SDC312.EXE     122290  08-11-92  SUPER DISKCOPY - Simply put, a disk
  712.                                | duplicating machine on a disk! It picks up
  713.                                | where DOS diskcopy left off. Read master once
  714.                                | and make as many copies as you wish. Store
  715.                                | images, fastformat, clean, compare, etc.
  716. SDS10.EXE       22961  11-23-92  Store drive and directory entry for returning
  717.                                | to later - stores a data file in C:\
  718.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 11/20/92  Newest: 11/20/92
  719. SEASPECS.EXE   248449  06-11-92  SEAGATE HARDDRIVE SPECS AS OF 5/29/92.
  720. SECRET3.EXE     22165  10-28-92  MD, RD, CD hidden directories v1.3;w/ASM src
  721.                                | Yes, if this looks familiar to you, it IS the
  722.                                | old package for making/using hidden dirs, but
  723.                                | it has been revisited and reworked by other
  724.                                | than the original author.  Now with ASMs.
  725.                                | Files: 8  Oldest: 10/17/92  Newest: 10/23/92
  726. SECRETS.EXE     77977  06-20-92  Secrets on making Batch files. Hints, tips,
  727.                                | adding colour, etc.
  728. SEDIT.ARJ       31969  03-04-93  Create Text-Based Screens For Your Batch
  729.                                | Files And Programs. 
  730. SETBEP11.ARJ    11971  04-21-93  SetBeep v1.1: TSR pgm that will set the beep
  731.                                | character's (ASCII decimal 7 or control-G)
  732.                                | duration to a user specified value; 01/18/93.
  733. SETVESA.ARJ    211362  07-28-92  Set VESA on many video boards.
  735.                                | 1.4.  WILL LIST IN REAL-TIME ALL FILES OPENED
  736.                                | ON YOUR SYSTEM. COMPATIBLE WITH LANTASTIC
  737.                                | 5.X, DESQVIEW 2.X, WINDOWS 3.X, MS-DOS 6.X.
  738.                                | RUNS IN YOUR CURRENT TEXT MODE, HAS CLOCK ON
  739.                                | SCREEN, PLUS SUPPORTS QEMM'S ADDITIONAL FILES
  740.                                | TABLE.  ON A MACHINE RUNNING A LANTASTIC
  741.                                | REDIRECTOR, IT WILL ALSO REPORT THE MACHINE
  742.                                | NAME ON THE STATUS LINE.
  743. SGATFMT2.ARJ    74342  08-02-93  SGATFMT (Seagate Format) v2.0: low level
  744.                                | formatting utility; does not use the system
  745.                                | BIOS to access the drive, but instead uses
  746.                                | the AT register cmd set; 01/08/92; R. Dimick/
  747.                                | R. Stacy/B. Rudock/Seagate Technology, Inc.
  748. SHOME291.ARJ   121755  11-28-92  ShowMe Saver v2.91: DOS screen saver that
  749.                                | displays a randomly changing graphic image
  750.                                | while showing a message of your choice.
  751. SHOW212.EXE    172619  09-29-92  Show BAT version 2.12, this will gives you
  752.                                | easy presentations with nice fades and
  753.                                | transitions from easy to use batch files.
  754.                                | This is really a nice small easy program
  755.                                | Files: 51  Oldest: 3/17/92  Newest: 7/29/92
  756. SHOWEMS.EXE     16487  07-01-92  Tells you if you have EMS and what version it
  757.                                | is.
  758.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 6/25/92  Newest: 6/25/92.
  759. SHOWF251.ARJ    30095  07-14-93  SHOWFAT v2.51: Graphic display of file layout
  760.                                | on hard disk, incl. Cluster info,
  761.                                | fragmentation, etc. 
  762. SHROM20A.EXE    34348  07-13-92  SHROOM v2.0A: gives a DOS application's shell
  763.                                | more room by intercepting the shell operation
  764.                                | swapping out the application program, freeing
  765.                                | up the memory, and then performing the shell
  766.                                | operation;  detects swap file overflow (disk
  767.                                | full), prompting to continue and is fully
  768.                                | configurable;  06/24/92;  Davis Augustine
  769.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 6/24/92  Newest: 6/24/92.
  770. SIFT10.ARJ      13816  07-28-93  SIFT v1.0 <ASP> - The ULTIMATE DOS filter!
  771.                                | SIFT is an advanced replacement for the DOS
  772.                                | FIND filter.  Many more options for manip-
  773.                                | ulating command output.
  774.                                | Files: 8  05-01-92...06-27-93  New: 3
  775. SIMST21A.ARJ   293351  04-20-93  SIMSTAT v2.1 - Program disk - Easy & powerful
  776.                                | statistics and bootstrap simulation analysis
  777.                                | program with mouse support, pulldown menu,
  778.                                | context sensitive help. Reads Lotus, dBase,
  779.                                | ASCII files. Analyses include descriptive,
  780.                                | frequency, crosstab, breakdown, t-test,
  781.                                | oneway anova, multiple responses, linear,
  782.                                | nonlinear & multiple regression, time-series
  783.                                | & many nonparametric analysis. Hi-resolution
  784.                                | graphics, missing values, weighting, etc.
  785. SIMST21B.ARJ   117020  04-20-93  SIMSTAT v2.1 utility disk - Includes
  786.                                | SIMEDIT v1.0, a spreadsheet data editor:
  787.                                | Import Lotus, dBase, SPSS, & ASCII; export
  788.                                | dBase, SPSS, & ASCII file; conditional
  789.                                | transformation with more than 47 operators
  790.                                | and functions; assignment of variable/value
  791.                                | labels, missing values; variable recoding,
  792.                                | ranking; sorting of cases.  SIMCALC v1.0
  793.                                | computes probability and confidence intervals
  794.                                | for various parameters. (Require SIMSTAT 2.1)
  795. SINCE114.ARJ    33416  12-28-92  With this program you get an instant
  796.                                | accounting of any files on your drive that
  797.                                | have been modified since a given date. 
  798. SKBD20.ARJ     113196  03-16-93  Softkeyboard0 Windows Utility For Handicapped
  799.                                | Or Other People That Cannot Use A Standard Pc
  800.                                | Keyboard. Provides Virtual Keyboard To Access
  801.                                | Letter, Words, And Strings With Windows
  802.                                | Pointing Device.
  803. SKEY40A.ARJ    339115  07-06-93  Batutil/Stackey were called the "ultimate
  804.                                | batch enhancers" by PC Magazine.  Stackey 4.0
  805.                                | is a keyboard stuffer with English langauge
  806.                                | syntax, record capability, pauses for text
  807.                                | and more.  Batutil 4.0 has a batch language
  808.                                | with single key or full string input, popup
  809.                                | menus and file choice boxes, control of text
  810.                                | colour and size.  Combined $49 Reg fee.  (ASP
  811. SLFREE.EXE      21624  06-17-92  Utility to show the amount of Bytes Free on
  812.                                | your hard Disk, also displays Memory.
  814. SMALLCUR.EXE    18340  10-19-92  Get Rid of That Annoying Large Cursor.
  815. SMARDV42.ARJ    15039  07-19-93  Microsoft rev 4.2 of SMARTDRV; purports to
  816.                                | correct write back problem
  817.                                | Uploaded by: Cary Southern
  818. SNDOFF20.EXE    50610  10-05-92  SOUND OFF! v2.0 - Command Line and Batch File
  819.                                | Sound Production Center from RALIN Enterprise
  820. SNOOP200.ARJ    92900  04-04-93  SNOOPER v2.0 <ASP>. System information
  821.                                | utility shows CPU/NDP, CPU speed, bus, BIOS,
  822.                                | memory, disks, DOS, network, video, CD-ROM,
  823.                                | environment, keyd, sound cards, ports, more.
  824.                                | Now shows IDE model, CMOS drive type, mice,
  825.                                | Stacker, files & buffers, IRQs, DMA, modems,
  826.                                | port IRQs and status, more. Built-in setup,
  827.                                | editing of CONFIG & AUTOEXEC. CHECK IT OUT!
  828.                                | Snooper is ideal for customer or technical
  829.                                | support, H/W inventory gathering, and
  830.                                | personal use. Registration is only $25.
  831. SOFPAK21.EXE   170652  07-18-92  SofWin Laboratories SOFPAK v2.1: package
  832.                                | consisting of pgms that measure your PC's
  833.                                | core logic system, cache system, disk
  834.                                | performance and video memory performance of
  835.                                | standard and local bus VGA systems; 07/08/92.
  836. SOFWIN20.EXE    52334  07-11-92  ENGINE v2.0: PC performance measurement tool
  837.                                | that will precisely measure the 16 bit and 32
  838.                                | bit performance of your PC's core engine
  839.                                | components; 06/17/92; SOFWIN Laboratories,
  840.                                | Inc. 
  841. SOSTB.ARJ      213096  08-10-93  Solid Oak Software's DOS Tool Box. 76 utils
  842.                                | for batch file enhancement, command line
  843.                                | operations, PC and network administration,
  844.                                | process automation, and more. Literally 100's
  845.                                | of uses and functions. Many of the included
  846.                                | utilities have never been offered before in
  847.                                | any package. A must have for any serious
  848.                                | computer user! Fully functional ShareWare. No
  849.                                | limitations. Registration only $25.
  850. SP0246!.EXE     70266  08-29-92  COMPAQ's CEMM 5.06 - corrects problem with
  851.                                | 80386 protected-mode DOS extender apps that
  852.                                | use VCPI services to allocate memory
  853.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 2/27/92  Newest: 2/27/92
  854. SP0290!.EXE     26412  08-29-92  COMPAQ: Fix computers with problems when
  855.                                | running VDISK.SYS with EMS
  856.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 6/24/92  Newest: 6/24/92
  857. SP0291!.EXE     26798  08-29-92  COMPAQ: Fix problem with Compaq computers
  858.                                | with built-in PS/2 mouse support that
  859.                                | experience problems when installing or
  860.                                | loading application software (i.e
  861.                                | Windows/386)
  862.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 6/24/92  Newest: 6/24/92
  863. SP0300.ARJ     529342  12-24-92  COMPAQ: System configuration v2.07
  864. SP0302!.EXE     27169  08-29-92  COMPAQ: set the base I/O address of LPT1,
  865.                                | LPT2, and/or LPT3 via user supplied command
  866.                                | line arguments
  867.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 4/15/92  Newest: 4/15/92
  868. SP0303.ARJ     832913  12-24-92  COMPAQ: Diagnostics v8.07
  869. SP0304.ARJ     832359  12-25-92  COMPAQ: Diagnostics v8.07
  870. SP0305!.EXE     82240  08-29-92  COMPAQ: EZTAPE.BMB replacement file for
  871.                                | EzTape 2.22 - solves potential problem with
  872.                                | EzTape 2.22 crashing the system when exiting
  873.                                | to DOS.
  874.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 6/24/92  Newest: 6/24/92
  875. SP0315!.EXE     32216  08-29-92  COMPAQ: CHARSET lets you select font to use
  876.                                | on Compaq VGA, EGA, LCD or Plasma display.
  877.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 6/24/92  Newest: 6/24/92
  878. SP0317!.EXE     26400  08-29-92  COMPAQ: allows Compaq LTE386s/20 or LTE
  879.                                | Lite/20-25 to use Colorado Memories tape
  880.                                | drive with Jumbo Tape Backup software 2.50 √.
  881.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 6/24/92  Newest: 6/24/92
  882. SP0318!.EXE     26290  08-29-92  COMPAQ: this driver program alows Compaq
  883.                                | deskpro to work with the program TWAYDRV.SYS
  884.                                | dated 09-17- √87 and a MSI PDT PLUS model
  885.                                | 1510 portable data terminal
  886.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 6/24/92  Newest: 6/24/92
  887. SP0320!.EXE     33547  08-29-92  COMPAQ: SHARE.EXE - update - fixes conflict
  888.                                | between SHARE and RUNHI with /LINK option
  889.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 6/24/92  Newest: 6/24/92
  890. SP0329.ARJ     906954  12-25-92  COMPAQ: Diagnostics v8.08
  891. SP0332.ARJ     280316  12-26-92  COMPAQ: Non Compaq EISA configuration v2.02.
  892. SP0340.ARJ      20172  12-24-92  COMPAQ: !CPQF000.CFG & CPQF000.OVL - tape
  893.                                | drives.
  894. SP0344.ARJ      12590  12-25-92  COMPAQ: VHIBERD.386 ensures system date is
  895.                                | correct.
  896. SP0345.ARJ      12017  12-26-92  COMPAQ: SHOWDEMO.EXE 7/23/88 works with
  897.                                | QVision/1024.
  898. SP0347.ARJ      11563  12-25-92  COMPAQ: Autoshade 2.1 and Compaq Deskpro 50/M
  899.                                | - problem fixed
  900. SP0349.ARJ     129052  12-24-92  COMPAQ: CD-ROM Utilities
  901.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 7/23/92  Newest: 7/23/92
  902. SP0350.ARJ      12377  12-25-92  COMPAQ: CPQFTAPE patches Fasttape 4.0
  903.                                | XBDAO.SYS
  904. SP0351.ARJ      11553  12-26-92  COMPAQ: LTE386 & IBM Enhanced 5250 Emulator
  905.                                | v2.12 - problems fixed.
  906. SP0354.ARJ     274169  12-25-92  COMPAQ: CEEMP.EXE v2.25
  907. SP0356.ARJ      12046  12-26-92  COMPAQ: Phar-Lap 386 DOS extender 2.6 and
  908.                                | Compaq Deskpro 50/M & 66/M - fixed.
  909. SP0358.ARJ      34160  12-25-92  COMPAQ: Compaq 386 Prolinea extended display
  910.                                | mode.
  911.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 9/24/92  Newest: 9/24/92
  912. SP0361.ARJ      11696  12-25-92  COMPAQ: GEM O/S XEROX Elixir Executive System
  913. SP0365.ARJ      11755  12-24-92  COMPAQ: EISA with more than 15MB RAM
  914.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 10/7/92  Newest: 10/7/92
  915. SP0375.ARJ     427948  12-26-92  COMPAQ: Compaq ADI Support 2.0 revision A.
  916. SP0377.ARJ      11792  12-25-92  COMPAQ: 486 Prolinea 16-bit RAM board problem
  917.                                | - fixed
  918. SP0384.ARJ      18083  12-26-92  COMPAQ: Determines if expansion base is
  919.                                | attached to Compaq Notebooks.
  920. SP0389.ARJ      11668  12-24-92  COMPAQ: Enable/disable Hardware disk cache
  921.                                | for Conner drives
  922. SP0391.ARJ      55260  12-25-92  COMPAQ: CEMM.EXE v5.12
  923. SP0397.ARJ     627057  12-26-92  COMPAQ: EISA System Configuration v2.11
  924.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 11/12/92  Newest: 11/12/92.
  925. SPACE200.ARJ     9376  01-13-93  Space v2.00: program that checks available
  926.                                | space on hard drives & displays it to the
  927.                                | screen in bytes, megabytes & the total space
  928. SPARKL31.EXE    84879  09-15-92  Sparkle is designed to add a little sparkle
  929.                                | to your day or your batch files.  With Menu
  930.                                | Magic.  Utilities.  v3.1 9/92.
  931. SPC55.EXE       42889  09-02-92  Integrated multidrive equipment utility v5.5
  932.                                | Multi columnn complete drive/system info
  933.                                | reports. Will print too.
  934. SPCEINF5.EXE    71041  06-16-92  Graphical display of hard disk space used,
  935.                                | free - all drives; graphical display of space
  936.                                | used on current drive, plus info on RAM, XMS,
  937.                                | EMS.
  938. SPDBAK22.EXE    64255  11-25-92  SpeedBak v2.2: hard disk drive defragger;    
  939.                                | 11/11/92; MicroTools.
  940. SPECCY.ARJ     167108  05-14-93  Stunning ZX Spectrum Emulator (Dutch). Full
  941.                                | English instructions; Emulates Spectrum 48K
  942.                                | Model 2 or 3, Spectrum 128K, includes
  943.                                | Interface 1,  supports Microdrives, tape
  944.                                | files, RS232 channel, '128 sound through
  945.                                | internal speaker or Adlib compatible sound
  946.                                | card, etc, etc. You name it, it's got it!
  947.                                | Runs from 512K PC-XT, up to i486 with VGA!
  948.                                | Even uses CGA, Hercules, EGA, etc.
  949.                                | Excellent program!
  950.                                | Files: 11  Oldest: 4/16/93  Newest: 4/16/93
  951. SPECTRUM.ARJ   130685  05-11-93  Spectrum emulator (Spain)
  952.                                | Files: 9  Oldest: 8/8/91  Newest: 5/7/93
  953. SPINRIT3.ARJ     2716  12-10-92  What's new and improved in Spinrite 3.0.
  954.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 12/7/92  Newest: 12/7/92
  955. SPKT451S.EXE   293611  11-17-92  SPEEDKIT from HyperWare  Version 4.50
  956.                                | Contains the shareware versions of the
  957.                                | world famous HyperDisk, HyperKey and
  958.                                | HyperScreen Utilities.  New version
  959.                                | supports Netware Lite, UPS Monitoring
  960.                                | and includes API for programmers.
  961.                                | Documentation and orderform included.
  962.                                | Files: 19  Oldest: 11/15/92  Newest: 11/15/92
  963. SPLIT60C.EXE    43867  08-29-92  SPLIT v6.0C: divides a file, at specified
  964.                                | points, into smaller files and can re-unite
  965.                                | them back into the original file, if needed;
  966.                                | can be processed as either binary or text
  967.                                | files; 08/15/92; M. Dingacci. 
  968. SPORTS11.ARJ     4505  03-10-93  SPORTS is a real-time serial and parallel
  969.                                | port analyzer. It accurately detects all
  970.                                | IRQ's attached to DOS COM and LPT ports. 
  971. SPXQ72UP.ARJ     8766  08-12-93       .'                  `.     .'
  972.                                |    .:   ++++   +++  ++++   :   :
  973.                                |  .::... ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++   :.:
  974.                                |     .:  ++++  +++++ ++++    .:.
  975.                                |   .::   ++    ++ ++ ++ ++ .:: ::.
  976.                                | .:::.....................:::   :::.
  977.                                | QEMM 7.02 WIN ENHANCED MODE UPGRADE
  978. SPY.ARJ         14966  01-18-93  A neat way to list the top 20 most recently
  979.                                | updated files on your disk. It is called SPY
  980. SRDSK142.ARJ    63115  01-02-93  ReSizeable RAMDisk 1.42 for even >32M of XMS.
  981.                                | Copyright (c) 1992 Marko Kohtala. Released
  982.                                | Jul 10, 1992. SRDISK is a small virtual disk
  983.                                | device driver and controller capable of using
  984.                                | over 32M of XMS memory. The disk can be
  985.                                | disabled and it's size can be changed without
  986.                                | rebooting.
  987. SRDSK202.EXE    55326  08-23-93  Resizable RAMDisk v2.02
  988.                                | Provides a resizable RAMDisk using either XMS
  989.                                | or EMS without having to reboot. Can emulate
  990.                                | normal floppy drives..useful for DISKCOPYing.
  991. SS121.EXE       32599  09-24-92  IntelliSoft screen saver/password protection.
  992. SS30!.EXE      364832  07-14-92  SCREEN SCENES v3.0: sophisticated screen
  993.                                | saver that displays 29 different animated
  994.                                | scenes (16 if you lack VGA), or allows you to
  995.                                | leave a message or lock the system; can be
  996.                                | temporarily disabled from a BAT file to
  997.                                | prevent conflicts with up/downloads; supports
  998.                                | 25/43/50 line CGA/EGA/VGA; menu-driven;
  999.                                | 06/05/02.
  1000. SSSARTWK.ARJ    40162  08-23-93  SSSARTWK - Version 1∙00 - A Screen Saver
  1001.                                | designed to display interesting string art∙
  1002.                                | VGA in 256 colour mode is recommended∙ Last
  1003.                                | revision date in archive: 08-07-1993∙
  1004. SSTAT105.ARJ     4932  12-10-92  Systems Statistic Program From Sydex. 
  1005. SSTOR.EXE       22226  08-05-92  Troubleshooting guide that will help the
  1006.                                | individual who has QEMM-386 (or QEMM-50/60 or
  1007.                                | QRAM) and SUPERSTOR 2.04 installed on his or
  1008.                                | her machine, and has run, or wants to run,
  1009.                                | OPTIMIZE; 06/29/92.
  1010. ST701UP.ARJ      3318  07-05-93  Improved STEALTH.VXD for QEMM 7.0 and 7.01
  1011. STACUD.ARJ     130101  01-23-93  For owners of Stacker 3.0... New SDEFRAG and
  1012.                                | Stacker Uninstall files.
  1013.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 1/6/93  Newest: 1/12/93
  1014. STACUTIL.ARJ   196316  03-31-93  Updates to various Stacker 3.0 utils.
  1015. STAC_OPT.EXE    33449  10-26-92  Docs on how to optimise Stacker with QEMM.
  1016. STIME!.EXE      19740  10-06-92  Simply Give the Time / date without prompting
  1017.                                | you new date/time.  Display week's day
  1018.                                | Files: 1  Oldest: 9/7/92  Newest: 9/7/92
  1019. STOGL140.ARJ    10338  08-10-93  --------------- SCRNTOGL v1.40 --------------
  1020.                                | - Screen-saver and toggler for DOS.         -
  1021.                                | - Supports CGA, Mono, EGA, VGA, etc.        -
  1022.                                | - Will run beneath WINDOWS.                 -
  1023.                                | - Full API is included for programmers.     -
  1024. STORE002.EXE    23772  06-07-92  Version-tracking backup utility changes the
  1025.                                | name of a file it backs up to include either
  1026.                                | a sequence number or current date, so you can
  1027.                                | archive successive versions of the same
  1028.                                | program without overwriting.
  1029. STOW201.ARJ    221439  05-08-93  Stowaway from Patri-Soft!  A true archival
  1030.                                | system for the PC which frees hard disk space
  1031.                                | by moving old or inactive files to floppy
  1032.                                | disks. Stowaway features data compression,
  1033.                                | auto disk formatting, and EASY restore!
  1034.                                | Files: 16  Oldest: 5/7/92  Newest: 4/30/93
  1035. STRIP10.EXE     23338  06-14-92  STRIP 1.0 utility to remove unwanted ASCII
  1036.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 6/12/92  Newest: 6/12/92.
  1037. STS401.EXE     120720  08-16-92  STEREO SHELL v4.01: unique DOS shell utility
  1038.                                | providing 2 fully independent file/directory
  1039.                                | displays, w/support for PKZIP/ARC/LHZ/PAK
  1040.                                | 08/09/92.
  1041. STUF20.EXE     168598  08-29-92  Documentation for STEENBURGH's STUFF
  1042.                                | A collection of 17 batch file utilities.
  1043.                                | Includes menu creation, input, system func-
  1044.                                | tions, much, much more.
  1045. STUTILS1.EXE   107662  06-14-92  Several small but very useful Utilities
  1046. SUTL25.EXE      73619  08-18-92  SUTL v2.5: collection of small utils covering
  1047.                                | batch file, diagnostic, comm analysis, file,
  1048.                                | video & other areas; includes a # of very
  1049.                                | useful TSR pgms such as
  1050.                                | AL(alarm)/PORT(analyser) 08/03/92; Bob Eyer.
  1051. SVGA-CSS.ARJ   233177  12-16-92  Super VGA Clock Screen Saver has multiple 
  1052.                                | backgrounds uses 640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 
  1053.                                | and 1024x768 completely reconfigurable.
  1054. SW-44B.ARJ      62677  05-22-93  SW v4.4B: enhanced BAT file util that will
  1055.                                | eliminate ECHO statements and make your batch
  1056.                                | files come alive; puts your messages in full
  1057.                                | colour windows, up to 5 lines in length;
  1058. SW500B.EXE      70948  09-24-92  Beta of DOS shell SW 5.0.0.
  1059. SWAMPUTL.EXE    96167  09-01-92  Includes the following useful utilities FLUSH
  1060.                                | removes memory resident programs RFF searches
  1061.                                | for filename fragments RFFE searches for
  1062.                                | filename fragments of erase files.
  1063. SWAP15.ARJ      11319  08-23-93  SWAP v1.5 - will swap the names of two
  1064.                                | selected files. Smart Wildcards and pathnames
  1065.                                | Name expansion feature.
  1066.                                | Uploaded by: Haris Courouclis
  1067. SWAPLPT.EXE     16306  07-20-92  Swap Between Printer Ports Fast! .
  1068. SWISH111.EXE    56922  10-26-92  Screen saver - Swirling Graphics & Analog 
  1069.                                | Clock.
  1070. SYSCF401.ARJ   135337  11-27-92  SYStem ConFiGuration v4.01 Database for
  1071.                                | Multiple AUTOEXEC/CONFIG Files
  1072.                                | Files: 5  Oldest: 11/19/92  Newest: 11/19/92
  1073. SYSCH234.EXE    84610  08-24-92  SYSTEM CHECKOUT v2.34: 10 Pages of easy to
  1074.                                | use, clean information on your system;
  1075.                                | includes CPU, BIOS I/O, video, memory,
  1076.                                | network, and lots more; 08/08/92; Paul
  1077.                                | Griffith/ Advanced Personal Systems. 
  1078. SYSCV30.EXE     59469  07-20-92  SYSTEM CONTROL v3.0: lets you select from an
  1079.                                | unlimited number of sets of CONFIG.SYS and
  1080.                                | AUTOEXEC.BAT files; selectable directories
  1081.                                | for configuration files; screen colours are
  1082.                                | selectable; 05/29/92.
  1083. SYSOPHTL.EXE   249364  07-03-92  32-bit MIPS benchmark utility. (6-16-92).
  1084. TAPECAT.ARJ     59751  01-13-93  Group of programs to create a catalog of
  1085.                                | files backed up with Colorado Memory System
  1086.                                | Tape Drives. Only works with version 2.54 and
  1087.                                | above of CMS' tape.exe program.
  1088.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 12/31/92  Newest: 12/31/92
  1089. TBAR5S.ARJ      52557  05-10-93  New toolbar for MSAccess - SVGA Version
  1090.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 4/25/93  Newest: 4/27/93
  1091. TBAR5V.ARJ      46220  05-10-93  New toolbar for MSAccess - VGA Version
  1092.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 4/25/93  Newest: 4/27/93
  1093. TBT315.ARJ      48244  02-02-93  TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.15 11/10/92
  1094.                                | TurboBAT creates a .COM program file from a
  1095.                                | DOS batch file.  Eliminates the need to
  1096.                                | distribute batch files with source code
  1097.                                | Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).
  1098.                                | Files: 7  Oldest: 3/5/92  Newest: 11/10/92
  1099. TCMV01.EXE     119299  08-28-92  THE CONFIGURATION MANAGER (TCM) (08-24-92)
  1100.                                | Version 1.0.  TCM is a utility program
  1101.                                | that provides access, boot and
  1102.                                | configuration control plus the selection
  1103.                                | of multiple CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT
  1104.                                | startup files.  From McAfee Associates.
  1105.                                | Files: 18  Oldest: 1/7/92  Newest: 8/24/92
  1106. TCT134.ARJ      93255  07-28-93        ┌──────────────────────────────┐
  1107.                                | ┌─────┤ cALMER Utilities  Series 134 ├─────┐
  1108.                                | │     └──────────────────────────────┘     │
  1109.                                | │ The cALMER TSR.  A keyboard enhancer     │
  1110.                                | │ incorporating mouse support, alarm,      │
  1111.                                | │ Function key definition etc.  Can be     │
  1112.                                | │ loaded into high memory.                 │
  1113.                                | │                                          │
  1114.                                | └─────────┐ Australian Shareware ┌─────────┘
  1115.                                |           └──────────────────────┘
  1116.                                | Files: 7  06-02-93...06-02-93  New: 6
  1117. TEC_999.ARJ     80931  02-05-93  Latest collection of Stacker technical notes
  1118.                                | -- now includes a few on Stacker 3.
  1119.                                | Files: 43  Oldest: 12/18/91  Newest: 1/20/93
  1120. TERASE12.EXE    53177  08-24-92  TERASE v1.2: allows deleting of files by date
  1121.                                | with either date or number of days as the
  1122.                                | criteria used; 08/10/92; Vince Curletta.
  1123. TESTMAKE.ARJ    34907  06-21-93  Neat Program That Allows You to Make Your Own
  1124.                                | Multiple Choice Tests and Then Save or
  1125.                                | Print Them Out.
  1126.                                | (Newest File Date: 02-22-88)
  1127. TEWT21!.EXE     78414  11-05-92  VGA MENU DRIVEN SCREEN SAVERS.
  1128. TEXSCOUT.ARJ   269548  04-03-93  Unique!! Performs text search, but finds
  1129.                                | concepts, too! i.e., Search for "judge," and
  1130.                                | it will find "court" "law" and even "wisdom!"
  1131.                                | Works with almost any file.
  1132.                                | Files: 14  Oldest: 1/11/93  Newest: 3/15/93
  1133. TEXTCONV.EXE    22127  05-20-92  Convert ASCII files to .EXE's.
  1134. TEXTFT23.EXE    57219  09-16-92  For ega or vga monitors, text font replaces
  1135.                                | the font that text-mode programs use to
  1136.                                | display text. 
  1137. TFC21.EXE       48950  11-17-92  Tobis Floppy Cataloguer/Viewer.  Requires
  1138.                                | 4DOS Ver 4.x.  Maintain/search/view a
  1139.                                | complete catalogue of all your floppies.
  1140.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 11/9/92  Newest: 11/9/92
  1141. TFIND301.ARJ    17396  11-29-92  ThunderFind v3.01:  the ultimate file finder
  1142.                                | with it's own menu environment, options to
  1143.                                | delete or move to another dir, searches all
  1144.                                | available hard disks, output found file lists
  1145.                                | to screen, file, or printer, and much more;
  1146.                                | 11/24/92;  Josh Reznick/Digital Skyline
  1147.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 11/24/92  Newest: 11/24/92
  1148. TFV100.ARJ      33816  05-05-93  Memory resident text/ASCII file viewer Useful
  1149.                                | for people who need to view and search
  1150.                                | text/ASCII files from within other
  1151.                                | applications. Lots of options, swaps to
  1152.                                | EMS/XMS/DISK.
  1153. THEREF43.ARJ   182508  05-08-93  THEREF(tm) Ver 4.3 is a comprehensive
  1154.                                | Directory of Hard Drives, Floppy Drives,
  1155.                                | Optical Drives, and Drive Controllers & Host
  1156.                                | Adapters.  It is designed to help the novice
  1157.                                | and pro alike with integration problems and
  1158.                                | system setups.  Information compiled by
  1159.                                | Robert Falbo.
  1160.                                | Files: 17  Oldest: 5/1/93  Newest: 5/1/93
  1161. TI103.ARJ       44643  08-12-93  === Time-It  version 1.03  by Glen Neal ===
  1162.                                | Time-It is three countdown timers in one. It
  1163.                                | will countdown from up to 99 minutes, and
  1164.                                | then play a Star Trek red alert alarm. The
  1165.                                | large digits can be set with left and right
  1166.                                | mouse buttons. The three independent timers
  1167.                                | can be running at same time. Great for
  1168.                                | cooking, laundry. Best with WINDOWS 3.1.
  1169. TIPSAMP1.EXE    38664  11-04-92  TIPS ASCII File Sampler #1 - Various TIPS
  1170.                                | This file contains ten TIPS providing
  1171.                                | information on solving problems related to
  1172.                                | DESQview, Windows, Networks, Memory, Hard
  1173.                                | Disk Partitioning, Caching, RBBS & Zenith
  1174.                                | Files: 16  Oldest: 7/16/92  Newest: 10/17/92
  1175. TKEY.EXE        17006  09-26-92  Good keyboard speedup utility.
  1176. TLB-T211.EXE    41789  08-16-92  A small program to test compatibility with
  1177.                                | THE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.11) If
  1178.                                | successful, you may want to download
  1179.                                | TLB-V211.EXE. 
  1180. TLB-V211.EXE   206653  08-16-92  THE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.11)
  1181.                                | STILL NOT FREE, BUT NO LONGER CRIPPLED! Loads
  1182.                                | device drivers, TSRs, and more between 640k
  1183.                                | and 1 meg. Compatible w/DOS 5, Win 3.1, & all
  1184.                                | prot. Mode software. Requires 8088 or above
  1185.                                | and a supported shadow ram controller, EMS,
  1186.                                | or R/W ram in the UMA.
  1187. TOUCH!.EXE      27134  09-26-92  Stamps DOS files with current date and time
  1188.                                | or one passed as a parameter. Includes C
  1189.                                | source.
  1190. TPMUL400.ARJ    11590  12-22-92  MulAware 4.00 TP6&7 Unit for Multitaskers
  1191.                                | Make Your Programs Multitasker Aware!
  1192.                                | Supports OS/2 2.0, Windows 3.1, DESQview,
  1193.                                | TopView, TaskView, OmniView, VMiX, DOS 5.0
  1194.                                | Task Switcher, MultiDos Plus, DoubleDOS, &
  1195.                                | Windows NT. Free from ABSoft.
  1196.                                | Files: 8  Oldest: 11/22/92  Newest: 11/22/92
  1197. TRASH!.EXE      20565  11-08-92  Deletes a directory with all its contents and
  1198.                                | sub directories. Better and Faster than
  1199.                                | Killdir. Less memory required and no more
  1200.                                | those annoying Stack Overflow errors!!!.
  1201. TREE2-A.EXE     53841  07-05-92  Patriotic new tree program red white and blue
  1202.                                | Root Dir Tree! Will also blank screen for 1
  1203.                                | min every 3 mins tells time of day and also
  1204.                                | shows disk space used and tells free hard
  1205.                                | disk space.
  1206. TRIEDRUN.ARJ   185310  06-08-93  Visual Basic DOS Runtime Mod Vbdrt10.Exe W/ 
  1207.                                | Triedit Sample Application.
  1208.                                | (Newest File Date: 03-01-93)
  1209. TRIM_12.EXE     24058  07-23-92  Removes trailing blanks/tabs, replaces tabs
  1210.                                | with 3 blanks. C source incl. 
  1211. TS41.EXE        39523  11-10-92  TRIPLE SHELL v4.1 DOS Shell That Doesn't Get
  1212.                                | in the Way
  1213.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 11/2/92  Newest: 11/2/92
  1214. TSED.ARJ       313440  06-30-93  Toshiba Special Enhancements Disk For DOS 6.0
  1215.                                | Includes The Files Needed to Update The
  1216.                                | Retail Version of DOS 6.0 For Use on Toshiba
  1217.                                | Computers.
  1218. TSNR21.EXE     120631  11-18-92  Turbo Search and Replace v2.1
  1219.                                | Files: 18  Oldest: 10/30/90  Newest: 11/16/92
  1220. TTASKV10.ARJ    26863  07-22-93  Twintask Dos Task Swapper V1.0 Late 1992.
  1221.                                | Last revision date in archive: 12-07-1992.
  1222. TTLITE11.EXE   105727  11-13-92  TestTrak (tm) Lite V1.1
  1223.                                | An automated testing system designed to
  1224.                                | simplify and accelerate QA testing of text
  1225.                                | based applications. Can be used to test PC
  1226.                                | software and hardware. Records keystrokes
  1227.                                | and screens. Allows single step playback
  1228.                                | and comparison or automated batch playback.
  1229.                                | Can also be used to automate PC processes.
  1230.                                | Shareware ($55) from Syscon, Inc.
  1231. TTYPE13.ARJ     34692  07-28-93  TeleType, automated ASCII file viewer. No
  1232.                                | user input required.
  1233. TURBOCPY.ARJ    51516  12-15-92  Sydex Utility to (Disk)Copy between disks of
  1234.                                | different format-Menuing setup.
  1235. T_APPEND.ARJ     3344  06-11-93  "Tee" With Append Reads From the Standard 
  1236.                                | Input (Redirectable) and Outputs to Both
  1237.                                | the Standard Output (Redirectable) and a
  1238.                                | File; Output File "Outfile.ext" is Appended
  1239.                                | W/The Data & if it Doesn't Exist, it is
  1240.                                | Created; Great for Creating Log Files Where
  1241.                                | You Want Data to Go to the Screen and a Log
  1242.                                | File.
  1243.                                | (Newest File Date: 01-21-93)
  1244. UDOS12.EXE     186044  10-12-92  UNIX STYLE TOOLS for MS-DOS ver 1.2 10/01/92
  1245.                                | The shareware version contains 20 of the most
  1246.                                | common file and directory commands (ls, rm,
  1247.                                | mv, cd, cat, du, cpio, hd, find, ...). The
  1248.                                | registered version contains 50 commands and
  1249.                                | the 'C' source code (grep, head, uniq, cmp,
  1250.                                | comm, cut, paste, split, strings...).
  1251. UH17.ARJ       252471  04-16-93  Advanced Utilities 4 (1/3)
  1252.                                | Note: Check individual program requirements. 
  1253.                                | Program: HiMove For 286/386 computers with 
  1254.                                | the NEAT Chipset. Allows loading of DOS 
  1255.                                | device drivers, TSRs, etc. in memory between
  1256.                                | 640k and 1Meg. Almost automatic. Like 386MAX.
  1257.                                | If you don't understand this explanation, 
  1258.                                | don't try this program. Ver 2.14. 
  1259.                                | Program: MSwitch Turn most mouse drivers on 
  1260.                                | or off from the command line. (TSR-11k)
  1261.                                | Program: PC Clock Calls NIST (formerly NBS) 
  1262.                                | through your modem and sets your date and
  1263.                                | time very accurately to their atomic clock. 
  1264.                                | Configurable for various time zones. Also 
  1265.                                | includes an alarm and clock display. V 2.14b.
  1266.                                | A **** Program: PortTest Just what it says, 
  1267.                                | for serial and parallel ports. V 1.1. Further
  1268.                                | testing hardware plugs available with
  1269.                                | registration.
  1270. ULTRA50.ARJ    140367  07-19-93      -=≡╪ Ultra Toolbox v5.0 ╪≡=-
  1271.                                | The Ultimate Batch Utility.  Over 200
  1272.                                | functions, including compression, graphics,
  1273.                                | sounds, video, detection, keyboard, files,
  1274.                                | plus hundreds more.  This thing blows
  1275.                                | away ALL OTHER BATCH file utils!
  1276.                                | Files: 8  06-16-93...07-01-93  New: 7
  1277.                                | Uploaded by: Mark Rapp
  1278. UMBDVR22.EXE    40389  09-01-92  DOS Memory manager - load HIMEM.SYS high
  1279.                                | Version 5.22 First to include an EMS memory
  1280.                                | emulator.
  1281. UNIQUE2.ARJ      2633  01-04-93  Use in a batch file to replace one of the
  1282.                                | batch file parameters (%1 - %9) with an 8
  1283.                                | char unique file name. Orig version was in
  1284.                                | PCMAG VOL7N10. New version 1.1 for DOS 5.0.
  1285. UPCT15.ARJ      13499  07-05-93  ULTRA PRECISION COMMAND TIMER v1.5 - Time ANY
  1286.                                | command - .EXE, .COM, .BAT or internal.
  1287.                                | Better than microsecond precision.      56
  1288.                                | Freeware - (c) 1993  Erik de Neve
  1289.                                | Files: 3  06-09-93...06-09-93  New: 3
  1290. UT1192A.ARJ    129773  02-13-93  Dr-DOS 6.0 Update of 11/92. This One Really
  1291.                                | Does Contain Command.COM in A Self Extracting
  1292.                                | File. 
  1293. UV40.ARJ       280060  04-16-93  Advanced utilities 4 for NEAT chipset  2/3.
  1294. UX330.ARJ      203785  04-16-93  Advanced utilities 4 for NEAT chipset  3/3.
  1295. VCD.EXE         46503  06-06-92  VCD 1.2: Visual Change Directory. Displays
  1296.                                | visual tree; provides variety of shortcuts to
  1297.                                | minimize number of keystrokes required to
  1298.                                | change to any directory. Unlike many other
  1299.                                | programs, does not read in the entire the
  1300.                                | directory structure (nor does it maintain a
  1301.                                | database of directories), so it's fast to
  1302.                                | start and doesn't waste disk space with out
  1303.                                | of date information. New in this version:
  1304.                                | support for multiple drives.
  1305. VGACPY46.EXE   252204  11-19-92  Disc-Copy with VGA and Soundblaster-Support
  1306.                                | Shareware (from Germany)
  1307. VGASPD10.EXE    29519  07-07-92  Computes the relative speed of your VGA setup
  1308.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 6/19/92  Newest: 6/23/92.
  1309. VGASVR12.EXE    44064  10-20-92  VGA Saver, tiny 1K TSR blanks VGA and Super
  1310.                                | VGA screens at specifiable interval, checks
  1311.                                | for both keyboard and mouse activity, by Seth
  1312.                                | Comstock
  1313.                                | Files: 6  Oldest: 6/24/92  Newest: 6/24/92
  1314. VIDEO!.EXE      33908  10-13-92  Basic video configuration checker..  Nothing
  1315.                                | special.... Lists what you have.  Written in
  1316.                                | Quick Pascal.  Includes source code.
  1317.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 10/11/92  Newest: 10/11/92
  1318. VIDEO16.EXE     35661  11-09-92  VMODE V1.6  - A versatile video/screen 
  1319.                                | utility for testing/setting video mode, 
  1320.                                | setting cursor type, setting screen 
  1321.                                | foreground and background colours or mono 
  1322.                                | attributes, and inverting screen attributes.
  1323.                                | From Abri Technologies, $6.
  1324. VIDSPD40.EXE    36870  10-27-92  VIDSPEED v4.0: video card performance test;
  1325.                                | tests for both video RAM and regular RAM;
  1326.                                | supports most major video cards including
  1327.                                | CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA/Hercules/Tandy/AT&T/Toshiba.
  1328. VIEW251.EXE    161603  11-16-92  View/24 v2.51 BETA - Views various 24bit
  1329.                                | files on ET-4000 hicolour. Includes support
  1330.                                | for 256 colour modes of ET-4000 and VESA.
  1331.                                | Writes compressed, 15bit .NIF format files
  1332.                                | (*MUCH* smaller than original)
  1333. VIZ424.EXE      86789  07-20-92  An accelerator for BIOS-DOS-ANSI screen text
  1334.                                | modes. Compatible with SVGA/VGA/EGA/MDA/HGC+
  1335.                                | and snow-free CGA adapters. Options include:
  1336.                                | independent (video) ANSI replacement module;
  1337.                                | laptop blink-cursor module; UMB selfloading;
  1338.                                | 086/286/386/486 optimized releases.  Uses as
  1339.                                | little as 900 bytes; very fast acceleration.
  1340. VLS20.ARJ       68662  07-30-93  VGA CLEAR SCREEN : USAGE 28 BRILLIANT VGA
  1341.                                | DESIGNS TO CLEAR YOUR SCREEN. EXPLODE, ZAP,
  1342.                                | SHADOWS, DOORS, PLUS MORE! YOU MUST SEE THE
  1343.                                | EFFECTS TO BELIEVE THEM... FREEWARE. WORKS ON
  1344.                                | EGA/VGA.
  1345. VMB10.ARJ       25227  11-27-92  Program to issue DosStartSession for a DOS
  1346.                                | program or .BAT file that gives the user the
  1347.                                | ability to define DOS session parameters to
  1348.                                | tailor the session, such as
  1349.                                | DOS_BACKGROUND_EXECUTION, DPMI_DOS_API etc.
  1350.                                | Freeware. Source available.  For OS/2.
  1351.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 10/28/92  Newest: 10/28/92
  1352. VMIX285.ARJ    247052  06-28-93  The only ShareWare multiuser and multitasking
  1353.                                | environment for DOS 3 through DOS 6. Provides
  1354.                                | concurrent DOS virtual machines, with fully
  1355.                                | preemptive scheduler to handle the demands of
  1356.                                | communications software.  Will run on 8086 -
  1357.                                | 80586 computers.  Supports up to 4 COMM port
  1358.                                | terminal users or can be linked with other
  1359.                                | VMiX machines peer-to-peer.  Uses .INI file
  1360.                                | for configuration and can emulate a multi-
  1361.                                | tasking DOS prompt or configure to use pull-
  1362.                                | down menus.  Can combine graphics and text
  1363.                                | applications and switch between windows or
  1364.                                | screens with a hot-key press.  "VMiX is much
  1365.                                | like the network solution, but satisfies my
  1366.                                | needs using less time and money"--Shareware
  1367.                                | Magazine 4/92
  1368. VSERIAL.EXE     17270  10-08-92  Everything you wanted to know about the DOS 5
  1369.                                | volume serial number (and now you're sorry
  1370.                                | you asked). Upl/author: Les Moskowitz.
  1371. VU11R0.EXE     173481  10-02-92  VU v1.1r0: file viewing program for DOS and
  1372.                                | MS-WINDOWS that allows you to look at files
  1373.                                | quickly/easily without bringing them into an
  1374.                                | editor; supports regular expression searches,
  1375.                                | will list all occurences of a search
  1376.                                | expression, highly configurable hex viewing
  1377.                                | mode, SAA/CUA-style interface and more.
  1378. WAIT10.EXE      23690  10-28-92  A little program which delays the
  1379.                                | number of seconds entered on the command
  1380.                                | line. Written in Borland C++ and donated to
  1381.                                | the public domain.
  1382. WAITDSK1.ARJ    27655  12-13-92  WaitDisk - Prompt user and wait for a disk
  1383.                                | identified by Volume Label and/or Serial
  1384.                                | Number to be placed into a specified disk
  1385.                                | drive.  Allows Disk Changes.  Mouse Support.
  1386.                                | Files: 6  Oldest: 10/22/92  Newest: 10/22/92
  1387. WAIT_RUN.EXE    24211  07-08-92  Starts an application after a delay any key
  1388.                                |  pressed aborts. 
  1389. WCPU041.ARJ      7721  06-29-93  WHICHCPU V0∙41: TINY PROGRAM DETERMINES CPU
  1390. WDIDE31.ARJ    125449  02-06-93  Western Digital IDE hard drive utility v 3.1.
  1391. WESTYPE.ARJ     39558  04-28-93  Western Digital HD drive info....
  1392. WF221!.EXE      57242  08-03-92  WFILER v2.21: file manager/DOS shell support-
  1393.                                | ing 5-column listing, point-n-shoot COPY/DEL/
  1394.                                | MOVE/REN/ALTER, hooks to LIST or editor; con-
  1395.                                | tains a ZIP/ARC directory shell and processes
  1396.                                | PCED synonyms against a list of tagged files;
  1397.                                | 08/01/92;  Basil L. Copeland, Jr.
  1398.                                | Files: 4  Oldest: 8/1/92  Newest: 8/1/92.
  1399. WHERS271.ARJ    14535  07-29-93  WhereIs v2.71: utility suitable for piping
  1400.                                | file/directory names into other applications;
  1401.                                | also handy for finding/cataloging files on a
  1402.                                | hard disk;
  1403. WIZ27.ARJ       35639  05-18-93  WIZ v2.7 - Lightning fast, multi-disk file
  1404.                                | finder.  Full wildcards--better that DOS's.
  1405.                                | Scans multiple disks, and within archives.
  1406.                                | Can quality files by size, date, class -- 
  1407.                                | executable, archive.
  1408.                                | Approx 5 times FASTER than any other whereis
  1409.                                | program.  Now works across networks, incl.
  1410.                                | Novell & Lantastic.
  1411. WORST102.EXE    29311  08-08-92  WORST update: Searches all the files and
  1412.                                | subdirectories on your disk to find the
  1413.                                | oldest, newest, largest, and smallest files.
  1414.                                | Handy for removing ancient and zero-byte
  1415.                                | files, finding what's just been modified, or
  1416.                                | those files that are taking up lots of disk
  1417.                                | space. Freeware (includes C source). V1.02.
  1418. WPCUGFS3.EXE    66410  10-08-92  WPCUG Free Space Utility
  1419.                                | A free space utility that scans all drives
  1420.                                | except A & B, and reports on the ammount of
  1421.                                | free space on each drive. It also reports
  1422.                                | free space on mapped Novel network drives.
  1423.                                | Includes DOS , OS/2 2.0 , and Windows 
  1424.                                | versions of the utility.
  1425. WRAP10.EXE      32311  09-18-92  ---------------------------------------WRAPP
  1426.                                | ER will load most programs/TSR's in your
  1427.                                | config.sys as devices. This can be useful for
  1428.                                | optimizing memory management or performance.
  1429.                                | WRAPPER features special support for
  1430.                                | DEBUGGING the initialization of device
  1431.                                | drivers. Shareware $25. 
  1432.                                | ----------------------------------------
  1433. WRITE25.ARJ     17919  07-29-93  WRITE v2.5-Colour ECHO replacement [ASP]
  1434.                                | Prints full colour text anywhere on screen.
  1435.                                | Much more flexible than DOS ECHO statement.
  1436.                                | Can also display text files.
  1437.                                | Files: 11  11-17-91...07-05-93  New: 4
  1438. WT220.ARJ      381610  08-04-93  *** WazTree V2.20 Directory Utility Plus ***
  1439.                                | File manager, Copy, Move, Delete, Decompress
  1440.                                | Compress, View (GIF, ANSI, ZIP, LZH, Text),
  1441.                                | Edit, Config menu to run 40 programs, Modem
  1442.                                | Xmodem/Ymodem/Kermit/Zmodem/Ascii, Voice
  1443.                                | dialer, Typewriter, Calendar, Calculator,
  1444.                                | Print text & labels, Search, Ega/Vga, Mouse,
  1445.                                | Configurable, online help & More...
  1446.                                | Files: 9  08-01-93...08-01-93  New: 9
  1447.                                | Uploaded by: Wayne Hall
  1448. X2ZIP11.EXE     20376  07-01-92  X2ZIP v1.1:  cmd line-driven utility that
  1449.                                | enables you to quickly & easily convert your
  1450.                                | self-extracting executable files (EXE/COM)
  1451.                                | into the ZIP archive format;  06/25/92;
  1452.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 6/25/92  Newest: 6/25/92.
  1453. XMS.EXE        116910  07-29-92  XMS 3.0 specification form MS support
  1454.                                | Files: 6  Oldest: 8/15/88  Newest: 7/28/92.
  1455. XMS10.EXE       20442  11-08-92  XMS v1.0: allows you to exercise all the
  1456.                                | functions of the XMS specification at the DOS
  1457.                                | prompt providing you w/XMS' version #,
  1458.                                | internal version #, whether HMA
  1459.                                | exists/available, A20 line status,
  1460.                                | total/largest free XMS/EMB, & more; 08/18/92;
  1461.                                | Quarterdeck Office Systems.
  1462. XT302.EXE       37939  07-13-92  XT v3.02:will traverse a given directory tree
  1463.                                | applying a command for every match; 07/06/92;
  1464.                                | Paul Whittemore
  1465.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 7/6/92  Newest: 7/6/92.
  1466. YET101.EXE      23739  09-16-92  Add time to your batch files....
  1467. YORN.ARJ          605  05-03-93  18 byte program to return an errorlevel in a
  1468.                                | bat file when the y or n key is pressed. Full